Around the past ten or so years, nail art has gained enormous popularity all over the world. Nail art has become a fashion statement, whether it is done on the toes of one's hands or feet. One may create simple nail art at home. One might visit one of the many nail art workshops that have sprouted up across the world for more intricate and expert creations.

Traditionally, a single application of nail polish was considered "painting" the nails. Today, a person may choose from a wide range of patterns to paint on their nails. These patterns might be anything from floral and geometric to really original and quirky.

The greatest results are obtained when a trained nail artist completes the intricate procedure of painting the nails. The cuticles and dead skin surrounding the nails are first removed, and the nails are then cleansed. Then, a foundation coat of paint is put to them, often in the color white, to make sure the pattern stands out attractively. When a natural appearance is sought, a base coat may not always be used. This is followed by a layer of activation polish, which guarantees speedy drying of the design. Finally, the nail is painted with the necessary pattern. Lighter colors are favored over vibrant hues like silver, gold, red, blue, green, and black.

0:05 Marble Green & Glitter Nail 1:14 Mirror & Dot Gel Nail 1:47 Easy White French Nail 2:14 Trust the Process Nail Art with Purple, Pink & Blue 2:54 Water Color Pastel Nail 3:25 Galaxy Ombre Nail 4:42 Tape Star Nail 5:40 Unicorn Nail Art 6:58 Rainbow Dot Nail 7:43 Easy Nail Art